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Wellspring News – March 10, 2019

140 W. Taylor Rd.
Las Cruces, NM  88005
Phone:  (575) 524-2375
Sunday Service
Early Birds:  9:30am
Worship Service:  11:00am


The Divine Good fulfills me – always has, always will – and I access it every day.  I welcome the creative urge within me, and I am ready to give it form.  I await consistent guidance.


Upcoming Speakers

Sunday, March 10th
Rev. Rainbow Weldon

Sunday, March 17th
Kamatara Johnson, RScP

Sunday, March 24th
Judy Bethmann

Sunday, March 31st
Agape video

Potluck Meet and Greet

We will have a Potluck to meet and greet Rev. Rainbow, who is a candidate for our Minister position.

Saturday March 9th,  6:00 p.m.
Wellspring social hall. 

Please mark this on your calendar.
Rev. Rainbow will also be presenting a Visioning workshop Sunday Afternoon at 1PM here at Wellspring. The suggested love offering is $25 for each participant.

Act As If
Visioning Workshop

 Sunday, March 10, 1pm-3pm
Wellspring Church
Fee: $25 Love Offering

Say YES to your heart’s desires​. ​Open to God’s highest idea for your life and the Wellspring community through the Life Visioning Process. Tune in and tap in to Divine Wisdom through this guided meditative practice. Activate the Law of Attraction and energize your desires as we act out your dreams as if they are happening now. Open to anyone seeking to LIVE their vision and energize their heart’s desires in community!


Wellspring Board Meeting

Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

Next meeting:  Wednesday, March 13th. 

6:30 PM
Wellspring Social Hall

All are welcome and encouraged to join us in the support of our spiritual community.

Next New Thought Ladies Luncheon

March  26th, 12:00 noon

Hosted by Unity (located at Center for Spiritual Living)

The Ritchey-Minden Garden Dedication

Sunday, April 14th 



Soul Sisters

Thursdays at Good Sam
Call Geneva if you have questions:  (575) 521-1474

They are currently reading The Magic of the Soul.


A big thanks to all who donated money toward the pergola.  It is paid in full!!


A Course in Miracles

Wellspring Social Hall

Materials are provided

The Way of Mastery Reading Group

Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm
537 N. Alameda

We will be reading “The Way of Mastery”.   It is a guide to spiritual cultivation and increased consciousness.  There will be no charge to join the group and folks can miss a week and join right back again the next week with no problem.

Facilitators: James and Jan Hampton Questions:Call 575-652-4209

Our Sister Community
Center for Spiritual Living in the Heart of Las Cruces

575 N. Main St


Healing Circle 
 Thursdays, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Drop in any week(s) you can.
Explore the healing powers of New Thought
through various teachers, and spend time supporting each other in the healing process – physically, mentally and spiritually.


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