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Wellspring News 10-28-2018

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140 W. Taylor Rd.
Las Cruces, NM  88005
Phone:  (575) 524-2375
Sunday Service
Early Birds:  9:30am
Worship Service:  11:00am

Thoughts to Contemplate

We must be convinced that abundance is the natural state of the Universe.  To experience and accept abundance in our life, we must be convinced that as we conceive and believe, the Universe handles the details.

                                  – Ernest Holmes


Upcoming Speakers

October 28th Sunday Service
Kamatara Johnson, RScP

November 4th Sunday Service
Jane Himes

November 11th Sunday Service
Edward Burlbaw

New Thought Ladies Luncheon

October 30th, 12:00 noon

At Center for Spiritual Living
575 N. Main St

Dias del los Muertos
Near Death Experiences

Discussion and video
Friday, November 2nd
6:30 p.m.
Wellspring Social Hall


Soul Sisters
Thursdays at Good Sam
Call Geneva if you have questions:  (575) 521-1474
They are currently reading The Magic of the Soul.


We are still taking donations
for the pergola which cost $12,000. 

Donors will be recognized by
having their names placed
on a plaque similar to the tree below.

Note cards of the Garden are available for purchase:
8 cards for $10.00.  


A Course in Miracles

Wellspring Social Hall

Materials are provided

Our Sister Community
Center for Spiritual Living in the Heart of Las Cruces

575 N. Main St




12:30– 2:00 p.m.
Center for Spiritual Living 575 N. Main St.

Volunteers donate:
Whole pies for the Silent Auction
Whole homemade pies to be Judged, and remaining pie for Sale by the Slice 
**$5 entry fee for each whole pie being judged
Prizes: percentage of money from entry fee, bookstore gift, and eternal glory!
Whole pies to be sold by the slice
Cobblers welcome too!

Day of Pie Fest:
Whole pies–silent auction price
(Consider freezing some for the holidays!)
$2 sale price for Pie by the Slice!
Add a scoop of ICE CREAM for .50

2019 Calendars

Center for Spiritual Living is creating 2019 Calendars featuring Local Artists.  Cost will be approximately $20 per Calendar.  There will be an order form in the social hall if you would like to order one.


Healing Circle 
 Thursdays, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Drop in any week(s) you can.
Explore the healing powers of New Thought
through various teachers, and spend time supporting each other in the healing process – physically, mentally and spiritually.

The Way of Mastery Reading Group

Saturdays, 12:30-1:30pm

(Beginning October 30th, there will be a new time and place –
Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm
537 N. Alameda)

We will be reading “The Way of Mastery”.   It is a guide to spiritual cultivation and increased consciousness.  There will be no charge to join the group and folks can miss a week and join right back again the next week with no problem.

Facilitators: James and Jan Hampton Questions:Call 575-652-4209


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